
19 жовтня 2009 р.

Как это надо делать



Site Accessibility

NCAM is committed to ensuring that its site is accessible to all users. This Web site conforms to existing recommendations and standards and has been tested with various assistive technologies. If you encounter a problem accessing NCAM's site, or if you would like to provide feedback on this site, please contact us using the feedback form.

Support for W3C Recommendations and Section 508 Standards

During the development process, our authors followed the W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 to ensure that the site would be accessible. The site uses valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS 2.0, and it also meets the standards set in the Web-based applications section of the Section 508 standards.

Valid CSS! Valid XHTML 1.0! Web Access Symbol (for people with disabilities)

Captioned and Described Movie Clips

The Rich Media Accessibility Web site includes many movie clips with captions, descriptions, and other access features. To learn how to enable captions and descriptions for different media players, visit the help page.

Image alt-text

All images on this site are accompanied by a brief alt-text tag which identifies the image or its function. If you are using a graphic browser, alt-text tags are visible only if the browser's automatic image-loading feature is turned off.


All text hyperlinks are written so that they make sense when read out of context.


Some layout tables are used on this site. However, all content makes sense when the page is linearized. Where tables are used for the presentation of data, table cells are associated with headers to facilitate navigation with screen readers. Also, each data table has a summary which provides additional information about the table's contents.


This site includes two form-based seach functions. One is a general search of the site and is available in the navigation bar at the top of the page. A second search function is found on the examples page and is used to find examples of accessible media. These two forms and the feedback form each include labels for each input and have been tested thoroughly.

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